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My journey to personal development is like hiking on one of the mountains in the country. It’s sometimes easy - like walking in the park. But oftentimes, it’s like hiking an unfamiliar terrain. After studying this module, I have come to realize that I should not really rush my personal development. I now understand that learning and development are multidirectional and plastic. That there will be times when I will have a decrease in some parts and an increase in some. For my part, I have to know the increase so I will know how to utilize it. Also, since learning is plastic and there’s no single path that everyone should take, I should learn to be still and know that even though some of my peers have achieved more than I have, I should not look at them and focus on my own personal development.

Through this module, it has become clearer how to understand my loved ones when it comes to their personal development. This pertains especially to my kids - all of whom are boys. I have two male adolescents who I sometimes couldn’t really understand what they’re going through and would sometimes stare at them blankly whenever they tell me their stories or experiences and the decisions that they would make. Then, I also have one son who is 11 years old and is introverted in the classic sense. His learning journey has not been easy because he is not my biological son who didn’t grow up with me. I took him in my care just 5 years ago when his father - my partner and I lived together. His mother was not very hands-on with him and what he knew was not aligned with his age. He still didn’t know how to read even when he was already 7 years old. By reading this, I have confirmed what I’ve always instinctively felt when it comes to my kids’ development. That they each have their own path and I should never compare them to others.



An old soul just trying to find her way through the matrix.

I'm Misty. I'm a student of Bachelor of Studies from the University of the Philippines Open University. This blog is a snippet of how my mind works and what my heart speaks of. Feel free to agree or disagree. :)

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